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The free bonus material offers you working aids for the book. You can use them to make your steps towards your KISS lifestyle easier and even hang them up decoratively to see your progress.

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Kaizen-Inspired Steps for Self-improvement?

Would you like to


  • achieve your individual goals with focus?

  • live a life of more self-determination?

  • have more authenticity in your life?

  • get to know and live your inner values?

  • live your dreams but don't know yet how to go about it?

Are you an eternal seeker and do you finally want to go into the right direction?


What is the difference between the coaching and the book?

The coaching is - in contrast to the book - personally tailored to your needs and values. Accordingly, methods and approaches are used which correspond to your individual topics.

Take advantage of your personal and individually tailored accompaniment on the KISS path and book a free introductory meeting now.

I am looking forward to meeting you.



Password: First 3 words of the 6th chapter; together and in small letters

Password: First 3 words of the 6th chapter; together and in small letters

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