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The book about the KISS lifestyle


Kaizen-ify your Life –

Your lifestyle for more authenticity and mindfulness


Would you like to get to know the Kaizen-inspired lifestyle and how I came to this extraordinary concept? Then this is the book for you.



You have everything and yet you feel empty? You do not know why you are even here? In this job, in this city, in this life.
If we look around, we see many aimless zombies. They are addicted to everyday life, overstimulated by the outside world, and have put on blinders to shut themselves off. However, we have only one life. Do we want to waste it behind our blinders?


This book lets you take off your blinders, get to know yourself and your inner values, and to use them.

The KISS-Lifestyle (Kaizen-inspired steps for self-improvement) described in this book helps you to go YOUR way towards your goals, to walk mindfully through life, and provides you with entrepreneurial tools that support you in everyday life. Among others, these are the Japanese business philosophy Kaizen and tools from project management.



Kaizen-ify your Life is the right book for you if:


- you want to achieve your goals purposefully
- want to live a life of more self-determination
- long for more authenticity
- want to know and live your inner values
- you want to live your dreams, but you do not know how to go about it
- you are an eternal seeker and finally want to walk the right path

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Part 1 given away for free:

0,00 €

Part 2 at a special price:

5,55 €

VAT included.

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